Insights overview

Keep up to date with our latest market insights

We are investment specialists – as part of Forsyth Barr, we have an over 80 year history in investment markets utilising world-class research.

Below we share our knowledge of investment markets via articles, research and market updates to keep you informed.

Morning report

Want to keep in touch with what's happened in the markets overnight?

Read the morning report from Forsyth Barr. 

For my money

Are you a Summer KiwiSaver scheme member?
Read our latest "For my money" article.

In this month’s For My Money, Chief Investment Officer of Octagon Asset Management, Paul Robertshawe, provides more detail on June market performance, and how it affected returns in the Summer KiwiSaver scheme. This year, with more than 4 billion voters eligible to vote, he also examines the effects of elections on market performance, both this year and historically.

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Investor education

In his most recent article, Martin Hawes examines DIY investing, comparing it to using a professional financial adviser.

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Got a topic you'd like us to cover? Let us know!

For a plain English guide to KiwiSaver view the KiwiSaver Glossary put together by Workplace Savings NZ. 

Thoughts from a Kiwi Saver

In her most recent article, Trish Oakley provides her thoughts after reading the recent report on KiwiSaver opportunities from Te Ara Ahunga Ora Retirement Commission.

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Forsyth Barr research

Exclusive for members of the Summer KiwiSaver scheme, keep up to date with what's happening in the world with research from Forsyth Barr's experienced team of research analysts.

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Read our latest market update

From the start of 2024 up until the start of April global equity markets generally had a good run. Positive sentiment was supported by decent earnings results, a strong US economy, and some green shoots for the global economic outlook. Read more >

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